Sela Training

Professional exchange program (Italy/Jordan)

Professional exchange program (Italy/Jordan)

Professional exchange program (Italy/Jordan)

The program, in cooperation with Societa’ Dante Alighieri in Amman (SDA), University of Florence and Laboratori Arheologici San Gallo (LASG), and Amman Alahlyya University (AAU), involves a 4-week training packge including two weeks in Jordan and two weeks in Italy. Participants can join for one portion (2 weeks) or purchase the entire package. Nevertheless, creating a group of participants that will partake for four weeks would strengthen the value of the cultural exchange.

Each training program involves two components: 1) a cultural component, proposed and implemented by SDA; 2) three practical training components for the participants to choose from: a. conservation training with Sela; b. archeological documentation with LASG in Italy and with Sela in Jordan; c. multimedia with AAU.    

Maximum number of participants is 30 (10 participants per each practical training)


Certified Training Courses (CTC)

Designed to form field technicians in documentation, conservation, excavation and site presentation.

University Training Courses (UTC)

Designed to equip university students with field experience and specific skills. Students can combine the hands-on training with different soft skills, including management, languages etc...


Certified Training Courses - CTC


Job Targeting Courses - JTC




Employment percentage