The program, in cooperation with Societa’ Dante Alighieri in Amman (SDA), University of Florence and Laboratori Arheologici San Gallo (LASG), and Amman Alahlyya University (AAU), involves a 4-week training packge including two weeks in Jordan and two weeks in Italy. Participants can join for one portion (2 weeks) or purchase the entire package. Nevertheless, creating a group of participants that will partake for four weeks would strengthen the value of the cultural exchange.
Each training program involves two components: 1) a cultural component, proposed and implemented by SDA; 2) three practical training components for the participants to choose from: a. conservation training with Sela; b. archeological documentation with LASG in Italy and with Sela in Jordan; c. multimedia with AAU.
Maximum number of participants is 30 (10 participants per each practical training)